AI Schedule (Full-Time)

how this programme is structured

You are reading the full-time schedule for this programme, here is the part-time schedule which applies to the online class.

The MSc in Artificial Intelligence programme is delivered over two semesters, each semester has a 13 week teaching block. Taught semesters normally have modules with a value of 5 ECTS credits giving 30 ECTS credits per semester and 60 ECTS credits per year. The tables below list the modules in each semester of the progrmme.

Module Descriptors for the modules below can be viewed HERE. Each module descriptor contains detailed information such as learning outcomes, indicative content, assessment methods, etc.

Year 1 - Semester 1

Modules Mandatory/Elective ECTS Credits
Practical Machine Learning (COMP9061) Mandatory 5
Knowledge Representation (COMP9016) Mandatory 5
Metaheuristic Optimisation (COMP9058) Mandatory 5
Big Data Processing (COMP9062) Mandatory 5
Research Practice & Ethics (COMP9011) Mandatory 5
Robotics & Autonomous Systems (COMP9069) Elective 5
Recommender Systems (COMP9065) Elective 5
AI for Sustainability (COMP9064) Elective 5
Computer Simulation & Analysis (COMP9063) Elective 5
Elective from another master's programme (FREE6001) Elective 5


YEAR 1 - Semester 2

Modules Mandatory/Elective ECTS Credits
Deep Learning (COMP9067) Mandatory 5
Decision Analytics (COMP9057) Mandatory 5
AI Research Project (COMP9068) Mandatory 15
Natural Language Processing (COMP9066) Elective 5
Planning & Scheduling (COMP9070) Elective 5
Fraud and Anomaly Detection (COMP9071) Elective 5
Elective from another master's programme (FREE6001) Elective 5


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