useful information



The Springboard+ initiative gives an opportunity to job seekers to access relevant courses in CIT free of charge, while maintaining their benefits. Places are also available on some courses for those eligible in employment who are looking to upskill or homemakers not in receipt of a DSP payment. 

The Department of Computer Science has offerd courses under the Springboard+ banner for a number of years. These courses were designed and developed in close collaboration with industry partners, provide a dynamic pipeline of job-ready graduates, with up-to-the-minute skills, and valuable qualifications, for sectors of the Irish economy that are expanding and recruiting. See these FAQs and eligibility details.

ICT Skills

The Irish Government's ICT Skills initiative is part of the Springboard+ programme. Under the ICT Skills banner the Department of Computer Science in CIT offer a Higher Diploma conversion course for graduates from any discipline. Applicants must hold a Level 8 degree and demonstrate commitment to complete the course over 24 months online by night.

This is a highly successful course and has been offered by CIT over the past 6 years. The Higher Diploma in Cloud Computing has been designed and developed in consultation with a range of employers and provide conversion pathways for graduates that match the needs of the IT industry. Staff in the Department of Computer Science work closely with companies to create graduate placement opportunities. See these FAQs and eligibility details.

For detailed infomation about each programme click one of these links:


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