Cybersecurity (PGDip)


The PGDip in Cybersecurity programme is delivered online over three semesters, each semester has a 13-week teaching block. The tables below list the modules in each semester of the programme.

NOTE: Module Descriptors for the modules below are HERE. Each module descriptor contains detailed information such as learning outcomes, indicative content, assessment methods, etc.

Year 1 - Semester 1

Modules Mandatory/Elective ECTS Credits
Network Security & Forensics (COMP9046) Mandatory 10
Scripting for Cybersecurity (COMP9053) Mandatory 5
Malware Investigations (COMP9047) Elective 5
Distributed Ledger Technology (COMP9072) Elective 5
Elective from another master's programme (FREE6001) Elective 5


YEAR 1 - Semester 2

Modules Mandatory/Elective ECTS Credits
Offensive Security (COMP9050) Mandatory 10
Applied Cryptography (COMP9012) Mandatory 5
Malware Reverse Engineering (COMP9048) Elective 5
Source Code Analysis (SOFT9023) Elective 5
Threat Intelligence (COMP9051) Elective 5
Elective from another master's programme (FREE6001) Elective 5


YEAR 2 - Semester 1

Modules Mandatory/Elective ECTS Credits
Security Risk & Compliance (COMP9079) Mandatory 10
Incident Response & Forensics (COMP9038) Mandatory 10





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