We hope the following FAQs will help you – if we still have not answered your question please contact us directly
Department FAQ
We hope the following FAQs will help you – if we still have not answered your question please contact us directly
How many full-time degrees do you have?
How can I decide between the degrees if I haven’t yet studied any of the material?
Can I switch between the two BSc degrees?
Can I switch from BSc to BSc (Hons) degree after first year?
What about the Cloud Computing degree which I read about?
Will I get the chance to practise what I learn or is it all lectures?
Must I have a laptop?
Will I have to buy expensive software?
I love travel – do you provide any opportunities for travel?
I like that you have work placement but how does it work? Must I find it myself or is help available?
Could I get work placement abroad?
What if I wish to continue my studies when I finish my Honours degree?
You haven’t answered my question – what can I do?