Research in the Department of Computer Science
Dr Ted Scully
I’m currently involved in a range of research projects such as cost optimisation for smart micro-grids, supply chain optimization for offshore wind turbines, sentiment analysis for online bullying detection, modelling and optimization for Irish dairy-farm operation.
peer reviewed journals
Year | Description |
2018 | P Shine, MD Murphy, J Upton, T. Scully, "Machine-learning algorithms for predicting on-farm direct water and electricity consumption on pasture based dairy farms", Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 150, 74-87 2018 |
2018 | P Shine, T. Scully, J Upton, MD Murphy, "Multiple linear regression modelling of on-farm direct water and electricity consumption on pasture based dairy farms", Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2018 |
2018 | P Shine, T Scully, J Upton, L Shalloo, MD Murphy, "Electricity & direct water consumption on Irish pasture based dairy farms: a statistical analysis", Applied Energy 210, 529-537 |
2017 | J. Escalada, F. Ortin, T. Scully, "An Efficient Platform for the Automatic Extraction of Patterns in Native Code", Scientific Programming, 2017 |
2016 | T. Scully, M. Madden. "Facilitating Multi-Agent Coalition Formation in Self-Interested Environments", Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016 |
2012 | D. MacNamara, T. Scully, F. Carmody, K. Oakley, E. Quane, P. Gibson. "Dual Vote: A non-intrusive eVoting Interface". International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (IJCISIM), 2012 |
2009 | T. Scully, K. N. Brown, "Wireless LAN Load-Balancing with Genetic Algorithms". Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 22, Issue 7, October 2009 |
conference publications
Year | Description |
2017 | A. Shields, P. Doody, T. Scully, "Application of multiple change point detection methods to large urban telecommunication networks", 28th Irish Signals and Systems Conference, 2017. |
2016 | T. Deuschel, T. Scully, "On the Importance of Spatial Perception for the Design of Adaptive User Interfaces". IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, 2016 |
2016 | K. Kennedy, T. Mastaglio, P. Walsh, T. Scully, "Genetic Optimisation for a Stochastic Model for Opportunistic Maintenance Planning of Offshore Wind Farms." 4th International Symposium on Environment-Friendly Energies and Applications. 2016 |
2016 | P. Q. An, M. D. Murphy, M. C. Breen, T. Scully, "One-day-ahead Cost Optimisation for a Multi-energy Source Building using a Genetic Algorithm", 11th International Conference on Control 2016 |
2016 | P.Shine, M. D. Murphy, T. Scully, "Electricity and blue water consumption on Irish pasture based dairy farms: An Explanatory Analysis", International Conference on Agricultural Engineering 2016 |
2016 | T. Scully, M. Madden, "Promoting Cooperation and Fairness in Self-Interested Multi-Agent Systems", International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. 2016 |
2015 | P. An Quang, M. Murphy, T. Scully, "Economic Optimisation for a Building with an Integrated Micro-grid connected to the National Grid". IEEE World Congress on Sustainable Technologies 2015 |
2015 | P. Shine, T. Scully, M. Murphy. "Analysis of Water and Electrical Power Consumption for Grassland Dairy Production", Sixth International Manufacturing Conference, 2015 |
2015 | K. Kennedy, T. Mastaglio, T. Scully. "Using Simulation to Support Management of Offshore Renewable Energy Facilities", Conference on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment 2015 |
2014 | T. Scully, M. Madden. "Coalition Formation through Cooperation in Self-Interested Environments", European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2014 |
2014 | C. Lynch, M. J. O'Mahony, T. Scully, "Simplified and automated 12 hour ahead wind speed predication model using open source software", In Proceedings of 31st International Manufacturing Conference, 2014 |
2014 | C. Lynch, M. O'Mahony, T. Scully, "Simplified method to derive the Kalman Filter covariance matrices to predict wind speeds from a NWP model". Sixth International Conference on Sustainability and Energy in Buildings, 2014 |
2011 | D. MacNamara, T. Scully, P. Gibson, F. Carmody, K. Oakley and E. Quane. "DualVote: Addressing Usability and Verifiability Issues in Electronic Voting Systems", Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government (CeDEM11), 2011 |
2010 | D. MacNamara, F. Carmody, T. Scully, K. Oakley, E. Quane, P. Gibson. "Dual Vote: A Novel User Interface For E-voting Systems". International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2010 |
2004 | T. Scully, M. G. Madden, G. Lyons, "Coalition calculation in a dynamic agent environment", Proceedings of the twenty-first international conference on Machine learning, 2004 |